Arizona DNC Member

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DNC Member 2021-2025

Marisol Garcia

Marisol Garcia was elected as Vice President of the Arizona Education Association (AEA) in May 2016. She is the first woman of color to serve as AEA Vice President, and the first Chicana. Marisol is not new to leadership, having served on the AEA Board of Directors, chair in statewide committees, and co-founding the AEA Latino Outreach Cadre. In 2018 Marisol was one of the education activists to lead the #RedforEd movement in Arizona. 

She most recently led the union in creating a New Vision for Arizona Schools, an aspirational roadmap for true equity in Arizona schools during and post the Covid-19 pandemic. During the 2020 election Marisol served as the co-lead organizer for Educators for Biden/Harris national campaign and represent Arizona during the state rollcall for the 2020 DNC convention. 

As a veteran middle-school social studies teacher in the Isaac School District, she has remained committed to her students and their community. As an educator of color, in a majority Latinx community, Marisol saw her professional obligation to advocate for her students and their families as part of a lifetime commitment to civil rights. As the former local president of the Isaac District Education Association, she developed the association’s reputation as a strong voice and advocate for students and teachers throughout the community. 

Prior to becoming a teacher, Marisol worked as a full-time staff member for multiple candidates and elected officials in California. She worked on numerous local and statewide campaigns focusing on grass roots organizing and fundraising for the California Democratic Party. 

Marisol comes from a family of educators; both her parents are accomplished authors and educators who have worked in public education for over 40 years. She is the proud mother of her fifteen-year-old son, Vicente. Marisol earned her BA in Political Science from the University of California at San Diego and a teaching credential from San Francisco State University.

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